Thursday 6 October 2011

Ode to My Love Bound in Tears

I had been drifting, all my life
Like a leaf, that had fallen to a brook...
With the ripples, I floated,
Along my cold dark woods,
In solitude...
Yet for some reason unknown,
I chose to go all the way.

I took a chance, once in my life
My dreams took wings
And I soared...
To the crystal blue dome,
To embrace the mist, beyond the horizon
And I never looked back.
I knew not,
What I was letting go, was beyond all
That I was falling apart...
There was a time
When I never stopped
Every time I fell,
For my unknown destination never faded away.
But today, I have fallen
Fallen again...
To the cold murky lanes of my destiny.
I couldn't fly
For my wings were broken
My heart ached...
And my soul shattered
I lay there
My eyes shut
In the darkness, I waited...

The trees rustled...
I could feel the frosty hands of the waft
Lashing my body
As I lay down, numb.

The dreamcatcher inside me, swayed
And once again, I was lost...
Lost in dreams
Dreams of endless words...

I saw those faces
The lovely faces...
The ones I forgot to love,
Those to whom I never said goodbye.
I could feel the breath,
I was bestowed,
With the first kiss from my Mother,
Deep inside my lungs, still...
Then the little crystals,
I carried all my life,
Scattered to a thousand shards from my eyes
As it kissed the Earth...

Have I forgotten to live... To love...
Deep inside, I saw two hands
Those tiny green tender hands,
Stretched towards the high heavens,
With a tinge of blue at its tip...
Everything would resurrect
So will love in our lives... Someday...
To make up for the ones you forgot,
Forgot to love...
Milestones would evanesce away...
For today, my love is bound in tears
To bestow, to the ones who loved me
But whom I forgot to love, long back,
As I raced through life...

If only I could have another chance,
A second chance...
To live...
To love...


  1. ur words hav touched the unknown depths of my heart...and i felt the sincerity in ur voice...keep writing, dear....may god bless u...:)

  2. My favourite of them all.. For me
    this is actually a story ( a highly poetic one)

  3. Aww.. Amar, That's so nice of you to say... You're always very patient whenever I begin with one :D


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